Thursday, July 21, 2005

All in a Day's Work


My day started with a three hour power nap (Woke up at six to prepare for the meeting with Ms Fung). Over breakfast at McDonald's with Sharon and Yilinn, we tried out my Tablet PC's wi-fi connection.

We then crossed over to join Erica at the FSC meeting room. Ms Fung was surprisingly early, so we proceeded to do our presentation and clarification session with her. In a nut shell, the meeting was very fruitful, and cleared up any miscommunications that had existed previously. Ms Fung was very forthcoming with her suggestions and assistance, which injected positive energy as a whole to the team. Whee!

After the meeting, we trooped down to Waterways Watch Society to help out in their beach clean-up activity for Primary School children. Yilinn (AKA "Ms Teo") conducted the lesson for the kids, while the rest of us supervised their clean up efforts at the beach.

After being dismissed by Ms Teo, I rushed back home to prepare for Julia's Birthday gathering at Zouk.

I still hold firm my belief that clubbing

-spoils the ears (loud music)
-spoils the lungs (passive smoking)
-spoils the heart (fast music)
-spoils the kidneys and liver (the Drinks)
-spoils the piggy bank (with the exorbitant entrance fees)

Birthday girl Julia was konked out before the hour was up, having succumbed to the lethal combination of Screwdriver, Long Island, Lamborghini and Graveyard (She claimed to having no knowledge of having drunk the Graveyard thing though, so). Linda, too, was over and out with a third of the Screwdriver and some Long Island. Gabriel was tipsy after his share of the Lamborghini and Graveyard. Even clubbing-regular Daryl was not spared; He claimed to be a little 'light headed' after the round of drinks. The girls were dragged to the safety of their homes when they were done in by the alcohol.

Of course newbie me was also not spared.

The jug of Long Island was very strong (and very pricey too, at 60 bucks a jug :( ), much stronger than the one I tried with Junfa earlier on in the year. It was very lethal, the Long Island... Was topsy turvy and couldn't walk upright so had to be helped to a high chair by a bouncer to chill first.

The Long Island was concocted by a female bartender, which might explain why it was so lethal:

-It must have been mixed in accordance to the recipe (unlike the guys, whom I suspect might skive on the vodka
-she was very conscientious. In my own words: "gosh, she looked so meticulous! Like titration or something". Really.


You wouldn't believe this, but I slowly made my way from Zouk to Pasir Ris in the morning to meet up with Azrul for breakfast.

Lunch with Jian Ming and Zi Rong. We had Chicken Rice today, and I'm glad there are still coffeeshops near my place that have not succumbed to modern-day hyper inflation. Yet. Yup, 2 bucks for a good ol' plate of roasted chicken rice. And it was with a rather generous serving of chicken meat and achar.

Yup, wetried the Pearl Milk Tea at the confectionary opposite McDonald's - our usual Bubble Tea haunt. Yup, free pearls! Whee...

Presentation: 18/25
Taste: 22/25
Service: 15 /20
Value for Money: 18/20
Queue: 8/10

Smooth and Yummy! 81%

After lunch, I rushed down to Orchard to shop for Erica's birthday present, along with Yilinn and Huimin. We found her a nice rotating photo frame at Books Kinokuniya.

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