Wednesday, May 18, 2005

All in a Day's Work

Spent the greater part of the afternoon frying Kueh Pai Ti shells for the party on Sunday. Try it at the party!

A Penny for Your Thoughts? I'll Give You My Two Cents Worth

Ever wondered where the remaining one cent came from?

Interesting Stuff Off the 'Net

Gran hits burglar with garden gnome
Ananova ^ | 4-15-2005 | Staff

Posted on 04/15/2005 11:17:11 AM PDT by Red Badger

A grandmother knocked out a burglar by hitting him with a garden gnome.

Jean Collop, 69, woke at 5am to find an intruder clambering on her roof.

She yelled at the man, then picked up a gnome and hurled it at him, reports The Sun.

It bounced off his head, leaving him lying dazed on the roof in Wadebridge, Cornwall.

Jean dashed to fetch her rolling pin and a camera, and then took photos of the burglar as neighbours called the police.

Officers arrived to find the man still on the roof and half a dozen locals standing guard.

Jean said: "I heard a crash and rushed out in my nightdress. I politely told him not to move and grabbed the first thing that came to hand, which was a garden gnome.

"When it hit him he lay down for a while. I got my rolling pin in case. I didn't want to break another gnome." (Source)


Agagooga said...

4 day old kueh pi ti shells? Lucky I'm not going :P

Swee Shoon said...

Hey... it'll not soggy thanks to the technique of frying the kueh pai ti shells at an 'optimum' temperature. Not too hot, that is.