Monday, August 30, 2004

We were supposed to pack goodie bags for the Army Open House during the weekend, but the shipment of goodies was delayed such that on Saturday, all we did was to go to SAFTI MI for a nice western lunch.

On Thursday night though, we transported a thousand cartons of drinks for the Officials to the squash courts. I believe many a back was sprained on that very night.

Was at Nee Soon Camp on Friday for the PACES2 briefing. The new system looks promising, but I hope it delivers as well as Head MedLog's briefing was interesting. All appointments will be made via the new system, records can be tabulated for individual units and we're going almost paperless. Now all the MOs will have to do their own keying in of cases.

COMEX was not as fantastic as last year, especially the creative booth. Thumbdrives, MP3 portables and M/XDAs are the rage this year. Got a 4MP digital camera from Fujifilm, but the software's not installing properly on the system... Need to call technical assistance on this.

World Stamp Championships was more interesting, partly because of the lucky draw... They were offering more electronic freebies than COMEX, in fact... However, even the lucky draw drew much criticism from the public, with supposed 'matchmaking' and 'cheating' involved in the drawing of forms from the box. The problem arose from the fact that all the entries drawn from the box were not 'cut along the dotted line', resulting in the later, larger and bulkier entries being drawn over those who had followed the rules and cut along the dotted line. Some contestants even triumphantly claimed to have spent half an hour filling up over 50 entries! Singaporeans are pretty opportunistic, I'd say, but not where it would be most helpful: Entrepreneurship.

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Now at SUNTEC's SINGTEL booth using their free internet access...

Went for PACES 2 seminar yesterday; No more IQA, no more hassles. Hopefully.

Sunday, August 22, 2004

NO more NTM duties! WOOHOO!

The 14km run originally scheduled for yesterday at East Coast Park was cancelled, meaning we had to organise our own coy run on Saturday morning.

AoH cover at Area A: We're covering some Safari thing, so if you happen to pop by our place, please do not hesitate to drop by our medical post for a friendly wave. :)

Our platoon cohesion day was cancelled on Friday afternoon. Looks like we need to organise another one to make up for the loss in bonding. Hmm...

Now playing ROTK 6,a rather old game, but it's still pretty addictive!

Reminder to buy rations before booking in... and collect funds for it.

Zi Rong's unit is taking over our NTM. How coincidental!

COMEX this coming weekend at SUNTEC. Hope to be able to attend it.

My computer can't meet the minimum specifications for ROTK 10! Need to get a new one soon...

Will be packing goodie bags for AoH this coming weekend.

Saturday, August 14, 2004

The battalion went for a 12km run at Marina South this morning.

The route seemed much further than 12 km though...

Managed to clock a respectable 1:18:12 for the run. CSM was way ahead, and chugged on relentlessly - I was never able to get within a hundred metres of him after the run started. I guess this is my first time running so fast. Heck, I used to run 17s for my 2.4...

Our department went for a late breakfast at Burger King (Raffles Place).

COMEX will be held at SUNTEC City come end month. Whoopie.

Took my first leave in my NSF life yesterday, simply because I have to clear twelve days by the end of the year or risk forfeiting it.

Went for a dental check up in the morning... The dentist said that I'll require up to five fillings. Hmm... I think I'll have to cut down on my daily dose of flavoured tea.

Check this out: SPAM Luncheon Meat goes for S$4.43 at NTUC Fairprice. And you're wondering who PAYS for spam...

Inventions to do list:

Collapsable trolley - For the average supermarket goer, so no more creaky trolleys in future. On top of that, it can go anywhere with you, as long as you are driving...

Make car doors that open upwards or sideways instead of outwards mainstream - Ever wondered how irritating it can get when someone scratches your car while opening his door? No longer. Also, there's no much more room to maneuver when you're getting out of the car; As much as 100% more space, since the car's door now no longer blocks your way.

Monday, August 09, 2004

Well, another 2NTM later, I'm back home again.

Zi Rong's recovering from a bout of fever; Just paid him a visit yesterday.

Happy 39th Birthday, Singapore!

Heard rumours of an allowance increase. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Just ran through the skeletal plan for the RPG.

Found a better MMORPG generator with cooler graphics. Must recommend to Zi Rong and Jian Ming.

Think the report sick rate is going to be atrocious tommorrow.

Need to return my library books.

Stress is becoming prevalent in my sister unit. This is so not good for Jun Hui...

Just had 'abalone noodles' for dinner. Didn't taste special though... so it's a little disappointing; it's just like 'abalone mushrooms', I suppose.

Singapore Idol contestants are not 'William Hung'y enough.

Hmm... I hope I'll get to visit COMEX at the end of the month. Keeping my fingers crossed that it's not another 2NTM weekend; I've already missed the PC show earlier on in the year.

Need to

Just found several cool MMORPG sites... Too bad the download files are not accessible.

The spyware is beginning to affect my e-mail; Heck, it's even modifying my Yahoo! Toolbar, which is suppose to have 'anti-spam' features.

Signing off,