Friday, February 24, 2023

Water, Water Everywhere


When I saw this sight across the causeway, two things came to mind:

1. It's easy to read the water meter without having to get into the drain (a confined space)

2. Bad design, it's a trip and fall hazard and prone to damage by passers-by

Even worse, corroded pipes do not seem to have been removed when replacement pipes are laid, and are just sticking out of the drain cover.

It seems that most drains and water pipes and water meters in Singapore are designed differently.

Source: Guan Howe Engineering


PUB, NEA and LTA are key stakeholders in the drainage system: PUB to ensure the functionality of the drains in conception storm water, NEA in ensuring no formation of stagnant water which may lead to mosquito breeding, and LTA in maintaining the drain covers as they form part of the footpaths. There are a total of 8,000 drain covers and manhole covers in Singapore.

Source: PUB

Water pipes also do not seem to run inside the drain and storm water and waste water are separately conveyed in the drainage system. Water meters are also usually installed at a convenient location for ease of reading. 

Just some food for thought.

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